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  • Writer's pictureOLA Command

OLA Update #4 / 14th July, 2021


There have been several clashes between the OLA and Ethiopian security forces between July 6th and July 14th throughout the Western Zone. 136 enemy combatants have been killed, over 200 have been injured, and 17 have been captured (including 2 lieutenants).

July 13th, 2021

  1. Gimbi, West Walaga Various units of the Oromo Liberation Army launched an operation in Gimbi that resulted in 32 enemy combatants being killed, 21 being injured and 1 being captured (see video below). 7 AKM rifles were also captured. Among the enemy casualties were Colonel Diriba Chala and platoon commander Ejigu. This operation was a joint effort by the OLA's Gaara Abbaa Seenaa regiment alongside the Bitinessa Dina, Mancasa Gabruma, and Wirtu Gadaa commando units.



July 8th, 2021

  1. Dirre Inchini town, West Shawa Ethiopian security forces encamped near Dirre Inchini were repulsed by the Oromo Liberation Army after attempting to enter the town. Following this engagement, the town administration fled the area.



July 14th, 2021

  1. Gumi-Eldalo district, Gujji The Cibra Soddom Borro brigade of the Oromo Liberation Army has continued to surround the Ethiopian military camp located at Malka Guba. At around 8am, the brigade launched an attack that resulted in 40 enemy combatants being killed.

A Prisoner of War named Elias Tamiru captured during the recent fighting in Gimbi

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